(Solidariti) Jalan-jalan Palestine Starhill Bukit Bintang 2024

LET'S MAKE SOME NOISE FOR PALESTINE! Bring your POTS and PANs and reject the man made famine in Palestine!


🗓️ Saturday, August 24th, 2024

⏰ 8:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Walk with Palestinian-themed attire in Bukit Bintang.

Route:📍 Start at Star Hill➡️ Park Royal Collection🚦 Cross the road➡️ BB Blitz🚦 Cross the road🏁 End at McDonald's Bukit BintangLet's show our solidarity for Palestine!

🔹 Start: 8:30 PM🔹 Disperse: 9:30 PM

Please cooperate with us 🙏🏽

Bring your family and friends. Appropriate banners are welcome, but 🚫 no vulgar signs😷 Protect your identity

Bring your 📣📣📣

✊🏽Respect the rights of traders, workers, and security personnel.

🚫Do not obstruct traffic or damage public property.Take care of your valuables.

🚫No fundraising by any organization or individual is allowed. 

🙏🏽🍉🍉🍉If questioned, you have the right to refuse and refer officers to our organizers. If approached by police, stay calm and cooperative. Our rally complies with the Assembly Act in Malaysia. We've submitted all necessary notices to the police.



🗓️ Sabtu, 24 Ogos 2024

⏰ 8:30 PM - 9:30 PM

Berjalan dengan pakaian bertema Palestin di Bukit Bintang.

Laluan:📍 Mula di Star Hill➡️ Park Royal Collection🚦 Menyeberangi jalan➡️ BB Blitz🚦 Menyeberangi jalan🏁 Tamat di McDonald's Bukit Bintang

Mari tunjukkan solidariti kita untuk Palestin!

🔹 Mula: 8:30 PM🔹 Bersurai: 9:30 PM

Mohon kerjasama semua 🙏🏽

Bawa keluarga dan rakan-rakan anda. Banner yang sesuai dialu-alukan, tetapi🚫tiada tanda-tanda kesat

😷 Pakai penutup muka

Bawa 📣📣📣 anda✊🏽

Hormati hak peniaga, pekerja, dan anggota keselamatan. Jangan halang lalu lintas atau merosakkan harta awam.Jaga barang berharga anda.

🚫Tiada kutipan derma oleh mana-mana organisasi atau individu dibenarkan.

 🙏🏽🍉🍉🍉Jika ditanya, anda berhak untuk tidak menjawab dan rujuk pegawai kepada penganjur kami. Jika didekati oleh polis, bertenang dan bekerjasama. Perhimpunan kami mematuhi Akta Perhimpunan di Malaysia. Kami telah menghantar semua notis yang diperlukan kepada pihak polis.


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