Solidariti Malaysia untuk Palestin Setiap Jumaat


Setiap pagi Jumaat akan diadakan solidariti di US Embassy, bermula Jumaar ini. Tidak melibatkan mana-mana parti. Hormat satu sama lain dan jangan buang sampah merata-rata. Bawa prop sendiri yang sesuai dan pakai pakaian bersesuaian. 


Malaysians! In case anyone wishes to join this rally Sunday and tomorrow at Tabung Haji.


Come and join us on a rally in front of the US embassy, as a protest against the atrocities against the P@lestini@ns and to put pressure on the US for a permanent cease

This rally is a platform for ANY INDIVIDUAL who would like to have an avenue to voice out their

opinions and show their solidarity for the P@lestini@ns.

There is no political nor NGO affiliation. It is organised by concerned individuals due to sparcity of platforms in Malaysia. We aim to do this consistently by weekly rallies.


1. Bring your own placards

2. Dress as you like (as long as decent), be creative

3. Bring your own prop/flag

4. Be sensible and safe

5. Respect other protesters


1. Use obscene images

2. Instigate other protesters and the police

3. Do not litter and please clean up after the rally

Let's join to protest peacefully and consistently WEEKLY until ceasefire is achieved.


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