Hanya Batik (Digital Art Show by Arif Rafhan)


by Arif Rafhan, Bo Amir Iqram, Fahmi Hosnan and Ian Kit. 

Hanya Batik is the homegrown highlight in the Twilight season, which also features two other French-developed digital productions, Geometry Of Emotion and Escape. The new season runs through February 2025. 

For event info:



“Hanya Batik” is an immersive digital experience, narrated through the eyes of a batik artist with visuals by Arif Rafhan. The show transitions from traditional longhouse interiors and historical events, such as the establishment of the Malacca Sultanate, to modern Malaysia’s vibrant urban scenes and cultural celebrations. Prominent Malaysian figures narrate their contributions, symbolising the nation’s cultural continuity and progress. 

Batik graphic assets are intricately used throughout the show, blending traditional and contemporary designs to celebrate Malaysia’s diverse and evolving culture.




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