Eternal Friendship lyrics ( 友谊长存 - 菲道尔) - Firdhaus





可每当你接近我的时候 我却退后




可你爱上别人的时候 我会做好朋友的本分 让你走



都怪我太懦弱 不敢开口对你说

我对你的爱 风吹雨落 我依然在守候


他们说爱一个人 要懂得放手

如果你真的属于我 我不会错过

我会把这份爱 藏在心中 希望你会 记得我



能够看你幸福 我就足够 谁说爱一个人 就一定要拥



都怪我太懦弱 不敢开口对你说

我会把这份爱 藏在心中 希望你会 记得我



都怪我太懦弱 不敢开口对你说

我对你的爱 风吹雨落 我依然在守候


他们说爱一个人 要懂得放手

如果你真的属于我 我不会错过

我会把这份爱 藏在心中 希望你会记得我


Google translate (BI) 

Every day I hope you'll turn around and look at me

One day you'll be touched by my efforts

But whenever you get close to me

I retreat, not wanting to ruin everything

I've been watching your every move for a long time

Analyzing every word to see if it's about me

But when you fall in love with someone else

I'll do my duty as a good friend and let you go


So let's wish our friendship lasts

They say friendships last longer than lovers

It's all my fault for being too cowardly to tell you

My love for you, enduring through wind and rain

I'm still waiting

So let's wish we can be good friends

They say if you love someone, you should know when to let go

If you truly belong to me, I won't miss the chance

I'll keep this love hidden in my heart

Hoping you'll remember me

Love isn't something that will have results just because of effort

If we never had it, how could it be considered a loss?

If I can see you happy, then that's enough for me

Who says you must possess someone to love them?


So let's wish our friendship lasts

They say friendships last longer than lovers

It's all my fault for being too cowardly to tell you

I'll keep this love hidden in my heart

Hoping you'll remember me


So let's wish our friendship lasts

They say friendships last longer than lovers

It's all my fault for being too cowardly to tell you

My love for you, enduring through wind and rain

I'm still waiting


So let's wish we can be good friends

They say if you love someone, you should know when to let go

If you truly belong to me, I won't miss the chance

I'll keep this love hidden in my heart

Hoping you'll remember me

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