能遇见, 就很不错了 lyrics - 菲道爾 Firdhaus

能遇见, 就很不错了 - 菲道爾 (Firdhaus)

(To have met you, is good enough) 

茫茫人海之中 我找到我的家


但有你在 我很心安

你说你想 陪在我 身旁

有一天 我睁开眼 看着你的脸

那幸福的瞬间 我有点胆怯

是不是有一天 所有美丽的画面



陪你很久 很久

我常想 我哪来的资格去拥有




能遇见你 就很不错了

有一天 我睁开眼看着你的脸

那幸福的瞬间 我有点胆怯

是不是有一天 所有美丽的画面



陪你很久 很久

我常想 我哪来 的资格去拥有




能遇见你 就很不错了


陪你很久 很久

我常想 我哪来 的资格去拥有




能遇见你 就很不错了

Translate (english)

能遇见, 就很不错了 Translations 

In the midst of all these people I’ve found my home
I don’t know what will happen in the future
but I feel safe with you there
you said you want to stay by my side

one day I opened my eyes and looked at your face
in that moment of happiness I felt timid
will there be a day that these beautiful images
will come to an end

I want to be with you for a long long time
I’ve thought so many times about how I don’t deserve any of this
such a perfect you
in this imperfect world
I’m not greedy to meet you is already good enough

one day I opened my eyes and looked at your face
In that moment of happiness I felt timid
will there be a day that these beautiful images
will come to an end

I want to be with you for a long long time
I’ve thought so many times about how I don’t deserve any of this
such a perfect you
in this imperfect world
I’m not greedy to meet you is already good enough

I want to be with you for a long long time
I’ve thought so many times about how I don’t deserve any of this
such a perfect you
in this imperfect world
I’m not greedy to meet you is already

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